Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

This week has been snowy, tremendous, excellent and cool!

In Language Arts and Social Studies we read chapter 4, 5 and 6 of Ticket to Curlew! A man named Eli helped Pa and Sam find water to build a well. He found water in the ground by using a tool called an auger that digs into the ground and finds wet soil. After they found wet soil with the auger, they dug a well. Sam's next task was to help build the house, cellar and a barn. The rest of the Ferrier family travelled from Jericho, Iowa, USA, to Curlew, Alberta, Canada to join them. 

In Science we started building our cars. First we gathered our materials out of the general supply bin and started building our vehicles. After we built we reflected in a video about what we built, what challenges we had, who helped us out and what our next steps were. Today, we are planning to have a science test run for our cars! After we test our cars, we will see if we need to tweak our vehicles to make our as far and as straight as possible. 

Last week, we collected final data about waste disposal at Panorama Hills School. We weighed and sorted the garbage, compost and recycling bins from each class in the school. This week we went to the same classrooms and asked them a few questions about how they use their compost, recycling and garbage bins. 

We learned a math strategy called the Distributive Property. In this strategy you spread the bigger factor into 100s, 10s and 1s, and then multiply the smaller number into each. Then you add your products together to get your final answer.

Passion Projects!

This week, William presented his Passion Project about sports. We learned that in Basketball you get 3 points if you score behind the 3 point line!

Our spelling pattern next week

Focus: Use an apostrophe to show where letters have been left out in a contraction. 
she will = she’ll

Use an apostrophe and s to show singular ownership.

ie: the bike of my uncle = my uncle’s bike

Examples include:


  • Continue collecting required materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs. 
  • The no device challenge from Frisbee Rob is due next Monday, May 6th
  • Library books due on Tuesday, May 7th

Have a fun, active, splendid, no-device weekend!

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