Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

This week has been splendid, magical, scientific, and interesting. 

In Social Studies and Language Arts we finished Chapter 11 and 12 of Ticket to Curlew. We have been working on answering questions by restating the question, and giving proof from the book. I could also provide definitions, make a connection and/or make a prediction. 

We had a special guest visit this week: Mrs. Jacci, who works for the Egg Farmers of Alberta. We learned that white chickens can lay both white and brown eggs, but brown chickens can only lay brown eggs. We also learned that the farmer inserts a red light on the roof of barn that helps stop the chickens from hurting each other. They also cut off the sharp tips of the chicks' beaks so that they can't hurt the other chickens. 

Last Friday in Science we planted tomato seeds. Half of the seeds were exposed to space conditions and the other half were normal (the control group). Before the seeds were planted, we made six prediction about how each group of seeds would grow. 

In Math we a new math game called division go-fish. In this game you have to ask a division question and if the person has the card with the answer, he/she has to give it to you. The goal is to get rid of all your cards and make the most pairs.  

We also learned two strategies for division this week. One was called "Area Model" and the other was called "Partial Quotient". In both of these strategies we broke the numbers up and added up the partial quotients to get our final solution. 

Here's a video that explains how it works:

Here's a video that explains how it works:

Last Friday, Edwin presented his passion project about elephants. We learned that there are different species of elephant, other than the African elephant!

Shaniya also presented her passion project about Singapore. We learned that Singapore is the greenest city (called the "Garden City") in Asia. 

Abhiroop presented his passion project about Ankylosaurus. We learned that it existed around the end of the Cretaceous Period, along with the T-Rex. 

Noah presented his passion project about coding. We learned about ASIMO, the Honda robot! He can walk like a human, has 180 degrees of free wrist movement, and can kick a ball, but needs to work on saving the ball. 

Zeenat presented her passion project about pandas. We learned that pandas eat bamboo, leaves and shrubs!

Finally, this week in the gym we had a special guest named Jessica McMann who Cree musician, contemporary dancer and choreographer. She taught us how to hoop dance with up to 5 hoops! She also taught us about the different First Nation groups that live in the Treaty 7 Area of Southern Alberta. 

Our spelling pattern next week: 
A compound word is made up of 2 or more words joined together to make a new word.

A sidewalk is a place to walk near the side of the road.

Examples include:

  • Heritage Park permission forms were sent home today: please return these by Friday, June 14th 
  • Sports Day notices have been sent home: food orders are due by Friday, June 14th 
  • Library books are due Wednesday, June 12th 
  • Friday June 14th is Twin Day
Have a spectacular, incredible and splendid weekend!

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