This week has been supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, spectacular, and delightful!
In Language Arts and Social Studies we read chapter three of Ticket to Curlew. Sam and Pa woke up in their tent on their farmland on a prairie in Curlew. Pa went to Curlew to get water from town because they did not yet have a well. Sam was bored, so he went exploring. He found a buffalo skull on his adventure to use as a marker to mark the front of the Ferrier's future family home.
In Science we had a presentation all about nature. We got to explore different stations like: parts of trees, different seeds, a compost and decomposing station. We also learned about the lifecycle of trees.
We also had two peers review our complex machine vehicle plan. After we got our feedback, we uploaded a picture of our plan on a Google Slide on our Google Drives.
This week, we collected final data about waste disposal at Panorama Hills School. We weighed and sorted the garbage, compost and recycling bins from each class in the school. We will analyze the data next week, but hopefully we will observe a few improvements in how our school disposes of waste!
We learned a math strategy called Area Model. In this strategy you draw a box and split it up by place value. Then you take apart your multi-digit number by place value, write it on top of your rectangle and multiply each section by your one digit number. Finally, you put the products beneath the rectangles and add them together to get the final sum.
In Language Arts and Social Studies we read chapter three of Ticket to Curlew. Sam and Pa woke up in their tent on their farmland on a prairie in Curlew. Pa went to Curlew to get water from town because they did not yet have a well. Sam was bored, so he went exploring. He found a buffalo skull on his adventure to use as a marker to mark the front of the Ferrier's future family home.
In Science we had a presentation all about nature. We got to explore different stations like: parts of trees, different seeds, a compost and decomposing station. We also learned about the lifecycle of trees.
We also had two peers review our complex machine vehicle plan. After we got our feedback, we uploaded a picture of our plan on a Google Slide on our Google Drives.
This week, we collected final data about waste disposal at Panorama Hills School. We weighed and sorted the garbage, compost and recycling bins from each class in the school. We will analyze the data next week, but hopefully we will observe a few improvements in how our school disposes of waste!
We learned a math strategy called Area Model. In this strategy you draw a box and split it up by place value. Then you take apart your multi-digit number by place value, write it on top of your rectangle and multiply each section by your one digit number. Finally, you put the products beneath the rectangles and add them together to get the final sum.
Passion Projects!
This week, Sophina presented her Passion Project about Jupiter and Mars. We learned that you weight more on Jupiter than on earth!
Our spelling pattern next week:
Most words ending in f/fe change f/fe to v and add es to make plurals (calf - calves).
A few words ending in f just add s. (chief - chiefs)
Words ending in o ad s or es. (buffalo – buffaloes).
Irregular plurals change their spelling or stay the same (bison)
Examples include:
tooth ---> teeth
mouse ---> mice
woman ---> women
knife ---> knives
leaf ---> leaves
half ---> halves
loaf ---> loaves
life ---> lives
calf ---> calves
moose ---> moose
sheep ---> sheep
ox ---> oxen
yourself ---> yourselves
goose ---> geese
chief ---> chiefs
buffalo ---> buffaloes
handkerchiefs ---> handkerchiefs
scarf ---> scarves
hoof ---> hooves
bison ---> bison
bison ---> bison
- Continue collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs.
- The no device challenge from Frisbee Rob starts next week and is due on May 6th
Have a splendid, adventurous, marvelous, fabulous, joyful, warm, and magical weekend!