Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26th, 2019

This week has been supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, spectacular, and delightful!

In Language Arts and Social Studies we read chapter three of Ticket to Curlew. Sam and Pa woke up in their tent on their farmland on a prairie in Curlew. Pa went to Curlew to get water from town because they did not yet have a well. Sam was bored, so he went exploring. He found a buffalo skull on his adventure to use as a marker to mark the front of the Ferrier's future family home. 

In Science we had a presentation all about nature. We got to explore different stations like: parts of trees, different seeds, a compost and decomposing station. We also learned about the lifecycle of trees. 

We also had two peers review our complex machine vehicle plan. After we got our feedback, we uploaded a picture of our plan on a Google Slide on our Google Drives. 

This week, we collected final data about waste disposal at Panorama Hills School. We weighed and sorted the garbage, compost and recycling bins from each class in the school. We will analyze the data next week, but hopefully we will observe a few improvements in how our school disposes of waste!

We learned a math strategy called Area Model. In this strategy you draw a box and split it up by place value. Then you take apart your multi-digit number by place value, write it on top of your rectangle and multiply each section by your one digit number. Finally, you put the products beneath the rectangles and add them together to get the final sum.

Passion Projects!

This week, Sophina presented her Passion Project about Jupiter and Mars. We learned that you weight more on Jupiter than on earth!

Our spelling pattern next week

Most words ending in f/fe change f/fe to v and add es to make plurals (calf  - calves).

A few words ending in f just add s. (chief - chiefs)

Words ending in o ad s or es. (buffalo – buffaloes).

Irregular plurals change their spelling or stay the same (bison)

Examples include:
tooth ---> teeth

mouse ---> mice
woman ---> women
knife ---> knives
leaf ---> leaves
half ---> halves
loaf ---> loaves
life ---> lives
calf ---> calves
moose ---> moose
sheep ---> sheep
ox ---> oxen
yourself ---> yourselves
goose ---> geese
chief ---> chiefs
buffalo ---> buffaloes
handkerchiefs ---> handkerchiefs
scarf ---> scarves
hoof ---> hooves
bison ---> bison


  • Continue collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs. 
  • The no device challenge from Frisbee Rob starts next week and is due on May 6th

Have a splendid, adventurous, marvelous, fabulous, joyful, warm, and magical weekend!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

This week has been exciting!

In Language Arts and Social Studies, we read chapter two of Ticket to Curlew. So far, Sam and his father (Pa), have travelled to Curlew, Alberta to see their new land. They are waiting for the rest of the family, the animals, and their possessions to arrive so they can start building their new home. 

In Science we worked together to create criteria for our car design plan. We did some research, and decided what kind of car we wanted to build. Our choices were a mousetrap powered car, a spring-loaded car, a rubber-band car, a balloon-powered car and a gravity car. We need to start thinking about the materials we need to bring so we can start building our cars. 

In math we did another round of mad minute - ask me how I did this week! We have also been working on building arrays. We used beans to make as many arrays as we could, then we wrote down the related repeated addition sentence, and the corresponding multiplication sentence:

Next week we will be starting to learn different multiplication strategies. We are starting with the Area Model. Please take the time to practice the the strategy. There are practice questions as well as the solutions below.

Practice Questions: 



7x873=6 111

We also had a special presentation this week! On Monday, Frisbee Rob came and him and his sponsors donated 30 special Frisbees for us to use at school. He also challenged us to put away digital screens (ex: cellphones, TVs, iPads), when you are eating with your family and friends, one hour before bed and at all times in the bedroom.

Passion Projects!

This week, Harveen presented her Passion Project about the galaxy. We learned that the sun is the biggest star in our solar system!

Gavin also presented his Passion Project about sports. We learned that lots of sports are cool! 

Thank you both for sharing!

Given that next week is shorter than usual, we will not be having daily 5, and there will be no spelling pattern to practice. 


  • Continue collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs. 
  • There is no school on Monday, April 22nd next week.
  • Please return your library books on Tuesday, April 23rd 
  • During the week of April 23rd - April 26, the theme for the school will be"Keeping our School Green and Clean."  Panorama Hills School will be partaking in the following:

Tuesday, April 23
Beautiful Bathrooms
- Only use one paper towel after washing your hands
- Keep the bathrooms clean

Wednesday, April 24

Litterless Snack
- Use reusable packaging, less waste and a water bottle  
- Bring garbage home however, composting is available in the classroom

Thursday, April 25

Fabulous Classroom
- Pick up any toys, game pieces, paper etc. used during green tubs and centres
- Pick up after yourself (E.g., backpacks, jackets, hats, mittens, shoes, etc.)

Friday, April 26

Classy Classrooms
- Tidy up and organize your classroom before the weekend

Have an awesome, and 'eggscenlent' long weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12th, 2019

The weather this week was windy, rainy and snowy!

In Language Arts we started a novel study! We are reading Ticket to Curlew. It is about a father and his son traveling from Jericho, Iowa to their new home in Curlew, Alberta. So far, we have read Chapter one, and are so eager to continue reading!

In Science we researched about three simple machines: the wedge, the screw and the pulley. We learned about their parts, how they move and forces at work. We also learned about different vehicles that move. We will get different choices of vehicles to build. These choices are: balloon cars, rubber band cars, mousetrap cars, gravity cars and spring-loaded cars. After building, we will have a race to see which one is the most efficient, and goes the farthest in a straight line. 

In Social Studies we pretended we were newcomers moving to Alberta. We took a picture of an old trunk and glued it into our visual journals. Then we talked about what possessions we would bring to start our new life in Alberta. We drew a picture of what we wanted to bring and then we described why it was important to us and how you would use it. 

In math we did a mad minute. This is when you get four minutes total to solve a row of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations. 
We also worked on a some questions where we grouped different items into arrays and made math sentences. 

Finally, we learned a new game called "Divide and Conquer". First, everybody starts with four cards, then one person picks up a card and sees if they can divide it with another card in their hand. First one to get rid of all their cards wins!

Passion Projects!

This week, Abhiroop presented his Passion Project about King Cobras. We learned that King Cobras are one of the most venomous snakes in the world!

Maddie also presented her Passion Project about Maui, which is a city in Hawaii. We learned that you can do a lot of activities there, like cliff jumping, go to a luau, and climb up trees. Thank you both for sharing!

Our spelling pattern next week

Focus: If a word ends in y preceded by a vowel, add s to make the plural.
holiday + s = holidays

If a word ends in y preceded by a consonant, change y to i and add es.
copy + es = copies

Some examples include:



  • Start collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs. 
  • There is no School Friday, April 19th next week.

Have a marvelous, spectacular, supercalafrajalisticexpialadocious, relaxing, warm, magical and amazing weekend!