We began our Science and Social Studies topics.
In Science we began learning about waste. The three types of waste are garbage, recycling and compost. We made a visual journal art page about the things we already know about waste. In Social Studies we are going to be learning all about Alberta. This week we practiced how to use maps and learned the difference between cities, provinces/territories and countries. We did a map scavenger hunt.
We did a jigsaw brainstorm about our learning skills. We wrote definitions of collaboration, self-managing, critical thinking, researching, communication and reflection. Then in our table groups we collaborated in a shared document on Google Drive to input these definitions. Here are some pictures of us in action!
Next week we will begin our weekly spelling patterns. Every Friday on the blog will be posted the following week's spelling pattern and some words that we will be working with to reinforce the concept. More details will be explained at the Meet the Teacher conferences next week.
Next week's spelling pattern focus will be short and long vowels. Some key words we will be using are:
Short vowel words - hands dentist crack bumps solid sticks stand trust
Long vowel words - safely costume idea musical opened cubes tight these
Library Books - Library book exchange begins on Tuesday. Providing the students' library books were returned at the end of last year, they will be allowed to borrow two books each week. Please return library books the following Monday to allow time for Mrs. Keall to check them in. If your child wants to renew a book they should bring it back on Tuesday to get renewed.
Scholastic Book Order - The first Scholastic book order flyers of the year has been sent home this week. If your child would like to order any books please return the form by Wednesday, September 19th.
Meet the Teacher Conferences - On Thursday, September 20th and Friday, September 21st will be our Meet the Teacher conferences. There will be no school on Friday, September 21st for students. Please sign up for a 15 minute block to meet with me and discuss the year ahead for your child. I look forward to meeting you!
Terry Fox Run - Our Terry Fox fundraiser will be on September 27th at 1pm. We will provide more information about this closer to the date.
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